Congressman Ruben Hinojosa's Statement Commenmorating Victory in Europe Day


Date: May 8, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

"Seventy years ago today, Americans celebrated Victory in Europe, ending our war across the Atlantic. It was the answer to so many prayers of people who had suffered and struggled greatly under the brutal and iron fisted rule of fascism. It was through the sacrifice and courage of many Americans, of so many of our Allies and civilians who defied the Nazi regime, that we were able to prevail."

"This nation will never forget the heroism, the determination and dedication it took to free European countries. Never should we take the freedom we have for granted. The blood of our brave soldiers, our allies and civilians who fought to preserve human rights and human dignity shall forever be held sacred. On this day, May 8, 1945, the world knew the United States and its European partners would forever fight against injustice, so that democracy reigns."
